A man : The son of Eternal


Miraculous conception ?


Come down, go down, send from the heaven ?


? A jesus before Jesus


the blood of the man YeshouaA precious Blood and a body without blemish?













A man : the son of God

Most historians agree and validate the historical existence of the Israelian man Yéshua (Jesus), born in Bethlehem according to the Gospels. We don't have a lot informations about his childhood because his fame began during his public ministry at the age of thirty, after his baptism in the Jordan. It is the way that begins the Gospel of Mark and John. His parents Joseph and Mary were ordinary Israelians living of their artisal activities, their son had an ordinary childhood in a small town without renown: Nazareth (Matthiew 2:23). The child had a great interest in the Eternal and his mind was turned unto him, his way of thinking surprised religious leaders (Luke 2: 42-52). Just as Mozart was gifted in music at an early age (three years), Jesus excelled in the field of knowledge about the creator, he was feeding by the thinking of the creator, he has became the Israelian the most famous in the world. The Bible is a part of our spiritual history, Jesus announce perfectly what we need to be in the eys of the Eternal for centuries to come.


The Hebrews were expecting for the Messiah (mashiah), this word means "anointed" in French and "Christ" is in Greek, this is the reason why Jesus is known by the name "Jesus-Christ", he is "anointed" by the spirit at his baptism. This man is a descendant of King David who was part of the tribe of Judah (1 Samuel 16:1). The people had great hopes about him, they wanted a glorious man who raises the nation of Israel above the other nations and deliver them from Roman power. The majority of the religious did not imagine a man like the Jesus's mind, they have preferred to glorify Bar Cokhba for example. Indeed, after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD prophesied by Jesus, the Jewish people continued to revolt with Bar Cokhba in the second century, but a heavy defeat awaited them face the Romans again. The spirit of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) wants we change firstly our heart before placing ourself on a high mountain to be seen by other people, we have a good demonstration of a good behavior o Jesus during the temptation in the wilderness (Luke 5:4).


For Hebrew, the Messiah was the descent of the word of the Eternal or the instruction ("tora" in hebrew) in the man makes in the flesh, this is in this manner that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life which lead the human race to the creator (Acts 7:37; Deuteronomy 18:15; Luke 9: 35; John 14:6). Jesus is known to establish his kingdom through his words that works the inner man, no matter if you believe or not in his existence, everybody know his words. Jesus has the particularity to be the man who doesn't impose his kingdom by force in the manner of some kings, he often repeats that he is not from this world (the way of thinking and acting), even Muslims recognize the uniqueness of this character. As we said in our presentation, Jesus did not create a religion because he had the same faith than the Hebrew people, those who walk on his track are "anointed" too, they accept and practice the thoughts of "Messiah / Christ", hence the name "Christian" or "Messianic". We are one body united in Christ. (Galatians 3:26-39).

One of the most controversial subject is the nature of Jesus. It is very important to understand that nobody was waiting a Messiah who was God or a creature of God living in the heaven before going down into the womb of a virgin woman in the first century, Jesus did not exist during the creation of Genesis or before being conceived by the young woman Mary. For Hebrew, the Messiah (anointed) had to be always a man that we need to listen (Deuteronomy 8:15; Acts 7:37). We have noted in the subject "Creation" in the home page that the purpose of Eternal is that the man made with the image of Eternal becomes a accomplish man, and Jesus had to come logically from the human genealogy, this one of Adam the "son of God" (Luke 3: 23-38). His special and strong spiritual relashionship with the Eternal made him anointed by the spirit above his fellows at the baptism, he shall prolong his days (Esaie 53:10) through the resurrection (Romans 1: 4, Luke 1:36), showing that Eternal gives life to those he loves. The corruptible man who has clearly chosen the good becomes a living spirit, a fruit which gives life to the other (Revelation 2:7).


In the Bible, Jesus is not a man who had the brain of a god or an angel, as if remember the happy moments he had lived in heaven with his father before going down to Earth. Jesus truly knew the Eternal through the spirit which showed him what he have to know during his life: education, dreams, visions, and prophesies. The pure thought (holy ghost) of the Eternal brought him wisdom, understanding, truth, it is in this sense that we must understand the first chapter of John's Gospel which tells us that "the word of God" has been made flesh among men as the glory of an only son (John 1:14). The Messiah is the descent of the teaching of the Eternel, the descent of the Word of God on Earth, or the descent of the Torah in Israel, that does not mean that someone already existing (Jesus the word) would go to transform into a man on Earth. We can also read the proverb 8 which personified the wisdom in a poetic rhythm, in this sense, Jesus can be called spiritually "wisdom", wonderful, word of God" (Esaiah 9:6; Revelation 19:13). Unfortunately, centuries of tradition have forgotten Hebrew's teaching and change the nature of Jesus unto a wise god of heaven coming down to earth to save us. This belief comes from the paganism, the gods of the heaven. However, the main actors of the Bible are the Eternal and the man, it makes sense to read that the Savior is a man who reconciles us by means of the spirit of the creator in him, Eternal with man, united to him, it is the aim of the creation : With us (Jesus and his brothers) with elohim means "Immanuel".

1 Timothy 2: 5 For God is one, and one mediator between God and men is the man Christ (anointed) Jesus.


The man Jesus is son of God and son of man in the same time, with a little effort of understanding, Islam and Catholicism will cease their endless debates about those terms. Yeshoua is really the son of God as a son of adam who is begotten in the resurrection, he manifests that in the baptism. Islam was against the Trinity, but forget that Jesus still remains the "son of God" as a man, we just need understand that the Bible which calls son of the Almighty those who do the will of the Eternal (Psalms 89:27, Jeremiah 31: 9, Colossians 1:15 and 18; Proverbs 3:12, 2 Samuel 7:14, 2 Corinthians 6:18, John 1:12, Luke 3:22). We see that he is called the "only son" in some passages of the Bible, this does not mean he was not human before, but he had a particular importance in the plan of the Creator because he matchs with a specific promise where he is the first. Isaac the son of Abraham is called "only son" when he had older brothers from the seed of Abraham (Hebrews 11:17). Isaac was unique for the promesse, through Sarah, an image of the messiah.













Miraculous conception

The doctrine of the miraculous conception may have its origin in a conflict between the Christians and Pharisees concerning the genealogy and place of birth of Jesus. (John 1:46; Matthew 13:54-55) How could the Messiah grow up in Nazareth and be the son of a carpenter, according to the Jews? (John 1:46; Matthew 13:54-55) Should he not have come from a more reputable place and from a noble family among religious leaders? Joseph was of the tribe of David, but that did not seem to be enough. Joseph's lineage will be a controversial subject to negate Jesus' lineage as that of the Messiah (see the table in the chapter). As a result of this conflict, it is possible that some believers taught that what was important was that Jesus be filled with God by the power of the Holy Spirit, this teaching brought the dogma of the miraculous birth. In Judaism, teachings of this kind had later infiltrated, there are many fables from the pagan world. So let us not cast a stone on pagan Roman Christianity, the belief in angels mating with women is found in the book of Enoch and the book of Noah's birth1 found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In this text, Noah was strange at the time of his birth, some people thought that his father was an angelic creature from heaven, making us think of the false interpretation of Genesis 6. Jewish fables (1 Timothy 1:4, 2 Timothy 4:4, 2 Peter 1:16), the miraculous birth of Alexander the Great and Jesus are not to be understood literally. The story of the miraculous conception therefore bears the mark of paganism and the fruit of theological questioning about the genealogy and nature of Jesus. I think that the teaching on the birth of the Messiah is late and if it is a spiritual lesson (the Messiah is the descent from the torah), it should not have been understood literally. In our Bibles, the story of his miraculous conception only appears in two gospels, Matthew and Luke.

The prophets of the old covenant, Joseph and Mary, the disciples, the apostle Paul and Jesus himself never mention this miracle, we can wonder about the authenticity of this story which probably does not belong to the original texts in Hebrew. Let us remember that a climate of tension reigned in the first century A.D., as Orthodox Jews and Romans struggled against the teaching of the Messiah, as historians and Paul's writings clearly show us. Before his conversion, Paul also persecuted Christians. At the time when the good news was being spread to the Gentiles, the miraculous conception was not yet taught, and the Jews strongly opposed the spread of the message of Yeshua ha Mashiah (Jesus Christ) by directly attacking his teaching, including his genealogy that made him the Messiah (Matthew 5:17). Jesus was indeed the son of Carpenter Joseph, of the tribe of David, and kings and princes had come together against him because of the extent of his teaching, seeking ways to weaken his reputation as a king and anointed of the Eternal (Matthew 26:59; Deuteronomy 5:10). We can understand this idea that the Son of God is first and foremost man united to God through the spirit and through his righteousness. However, Jesus is not Jesus Christ at his birth, he actually becomes anointed (Christ) at his baptism.


Before explaining in more detail why I do not accept Jesus' miraculous conception of Scripture, I would first like to use our current gospels to demonstrate that Yeshua was never God or a living creature in heaven before coming to Earth in the womb of a virgin. The word "pre-existence" doesn't appear anywhere in the Bible, and it should not be confused with the "pre-knowledge" related to the "spiritual scheme" that I explain in the topic "Creations" on our desert homepage. The majority of believers today think that the man Jesus was once God, God the son, an archangel, even an extraterrestrial. If we read the two accounts about the conception of Jesus, it is clear that the Holy Spirit came to conceive a child in the womb of Mary. This child will be called the son of God. The pagan story of a celestial embryo or a god the son already existing next to "God" who descends into the womb of a woman is not taught in these texts, we will write in another chapter the verses that let us believe that Jesus descends from heaven.
Let us read the passage that explains to us that the power and virtue of the Holy Spirit came to conceive the child, a new thing:

Luke 1:31  And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.

Luke 1:32  He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:

Luke 1:33  And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

Luke 1:34  Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man ?


The parallel of this story can be found in Matthew 1:18-21, the terms used are relatively the same, Yeshua (Jesus) is conceived at the moment when the Holy Spirit comes to a woman from the house of David. At the time of creation, let us remember that the holy spirit of the Lord covered the earth to conceive life (in a natural way), this is what also happened with Mary at the conception of the child. Among the Hebrews, tribal sonship is through the father (Numbers 1:18; Ezra 2:59, Luke 2:4) while promises concerning the Messiah often pass through the woman (Genesis 3:15; 17:19; Deuteronomy 7:3-4), so the Hebrews expected the Messiah filled with the Holy Spirit to the point of teaching that he was the word of the Lord who came to earth among men. The Jew will say that the messiah is the descent of instruction (Torah), the shakinah (presence of the Lord) resides in this man (1 John 1-3) as a temple showing physically (bodily) the borrowings of the Creator. Verses tell us that the messiah is the image of the invisible God, for the Lord dwells with him without making him the Creator (Colossians 2:9, Ephesians 1:23; 1 Colossians 1:15; John 17:3).

The Son of the Lord had to first grow in spirit (Luke 2:40; Isaiah 7:15) to become the perfect image of man united with God in his ministry (Acts 10:38; John 3:34; Luke 3:22). Jesus is not God or an archangel who becomes man, but the holy spirit works him so that the word may spring forth from him, and he receives the spirit without measure to lead us into the Truth.
Now, I will give more explanations about my point of view on the miraculous conception in the table. My position is that Jesus would be in every way like us, born of a father and a mother, the two genealogies related would be to prove that he is the biological son of Joseph (Solomon / Nathan), son of the seed of David.


Many verses tell us that Joseph, a descendant of King David, was his father (Luke 4:22; John 1:45; John 6:42; Matthew 13:55-56; Mark 6: 3; Romain 1: 3-4).

We think that a child has two parentals relationships (father and mother), but I think there may be one more: this one of the Eternal. To explain this point of view, I refer to the plan of the Eternal, the names of some characters are willed by the Creator over the human will, with a different spiritual level. The child is anticipating as prophets or son, the messiah has a special role to play at a particular time. Yeshua is greater than John the Baptist, but both still confused by having a divine or spiritual connection with the Eternal plan (Malachi 3:1). This is the Eternel who give theirs names.

Isaiah 7:14 is a prophecy mentioned in Matthew 1:23. The Hebrew word "almah" used by Isaiah was translated by the Greek word "pathernos" and retranslated in our languages by "virgin". But the word "almah" means "young woman" rather than "virgin", the word "pathernos" is not clear. Some translations have translated Matthew 1:23 as "young woman", it is an other proof. The law of the translation is that the word translated need to be always conforms to the original. It is true that a young woman who is not married is virgin before knowing a man, but the verse does not say that the woman is pregnant and keep his virginity. Moreover, the context in Isaiah 7:14 is not just about Mary the mother of Jesus, originally, the sign did not speak about a miraculous conception.

The sign in Isaiah 7:14 is a message of hope to the house of Judah and King Ahaz. The name "Emmanuel" means "With us is God", it is poorly-understood becase it does not mean "with us (men) is G/god (Jesus), but "with us (Jesus and men) is God (the only Eternal)". The Eternal was with them and wanted to lead them to the Prince of Peace: the Messiah of the end (Genesis 49:10; Hebrew 1: 2). The sign of Emmanuel begins at the time King Ahaz, the king of Assyria (Isaiah 7:16), the prophecy did not refer to a miraculous conception at that time because the sign was just a child (in view of the messiah) and children (Isaiah 8:18), it would represent the "woman Juda" that gives birth to the Messiah. A sign is not always supernatural or extraordinary.

Psalm 2:7 does not say that Jesus was beggotten of God by Mary, he will be through his baptism and his resurrection. Yeshua learnt the good and evil (Isaiah 7:15), and he was declared victorious by the Spirit (1 John 5:1). The miraculous conception is not necessary to say that Jesus is begotten of the Eternal.

The miraculous conception was used to introduce the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, "Mother of God". Mary was an ordinary woman who got the favor of the Eternal (Luke 1:30). We must only worship the Eternal according to the words of Jesus (Matthew 4:10). Eternal is in Christ, but Christ is not the Eternal. The father is greater than him and us (John 10:29, John 14:28).

The old text Syriac Sinaiticus3 offers a different reading of Matthew 1:16, it is possible to understand that Joseph is the biological father of Jesus: "Joseph to whom was betrothed to Mary, begat Jesus" 2 The texts we possess are from the IV century, the original is mixed for over 200 years with the doctrine of the miraculous conception and it is complicated to find the truth.

Paul tells us that Jesus was "born of woman, under the law" (Galatians 4: 4). It does not mean that Jesus was born out of natural laws (a man and a woman). Instead, the woman had to carry the seed of man with the Eternal (Genesis 4: 1 Job 14: 1; Jeremiah 4:31, John 16-21). Paul never mentions the miraculous conception but adds that Jesus was born of the seed of David (Romans 1:3).

In the temple at twelve years old, Joseph and Mary did not seem to know that their son was born miraculously of "God the father". Did the angel Gabriel talked to them about this miracle ? If Jesus says he had to attend to the business of his father, it is because he did not look the same things than them, Eternal was already acting inside him since his birth. A similar passage is found in Matthew 12: 48-50.

In Luke 1:27, Mary doesn't think of Joseph to bear a son who shall be born in the near future or sexual relation. The coments she arises gives the impression that the doctrine of the miraculous conception is forced: "I do not know man"; "I am virgin"; "How is that possible?". It would be be more logical she thinks that Joseph had this power, they would live together! Was he too old? Mary was maybe like her cousin Elizabeth (she was barren) and the verse 34 would be maybe a volontary or involontary error of scrib, she could not have a child with man. Joseph wanted to repudiate her secretely, why? Did not he know this famous prophety about the virgin in Esaie about the prophety? When did he know that ?

The antichrist was already present in the first century, it is not a special person with a number 666 on his forehead like the american movies. Misconceptions were already present at the time of Jesus and they were many antichrists and false prophets. This is the teaching that is against the Messiah : "antichrist". The Jews did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah (1 John 2:18-22; John 17:3), they did not see the Eternal who spoke to them. We can read too that John taught that Jesus Christ came in the flesh (2 John 1: 7 and 1 John 4:1-3), it means he came by man, by the flesh (Matthieu1:1) and not from another way. Jésus became the Messiah, he "came from God" because he walked with the spirit of the Eternal in the eyes of the disciples (John 3: 2), he was fulfilling the prophets and the law (Matthew 5:17) to show that he was the true messiah, the son of the living God from the house of David since his birth, by the power of the holy spirit in him. Today, believers teach the opposite, Jesus would "come from God" in being not a real human or not born like us, because he was transformed into flesh : "came in the flesh". The verse is misunderstood, the messiah is some from the human race and it is Jesus.

Some believers cite the version of Matthew Shem Tov4 because it is written "son of the virgin (bethulah)" after the words "son of Adam" in Matthew 8:20. Firstly, I don't believe that Jesus spoke only of Jesus in saying "son of Adam", it would be better to translate "son of man (adam)" in a general sense ("anthropos" in greek), because he compared the man to animals in general (fox, birds, Psalms 84: 2-3). The designation "son of the virgin" in the mouth of Jesus does not seem correct to me, in Matthew Shem Tov we find other differences, especially in Matthew 5 about the law. We will have the opportunity to talk about that in another topic. Thus, it is preferable to read the Greek version which does not tell about a "virgin". The creation is for the man of God, but he doesn't find his house in this world by a lack of harmony (Romans 8: 19-21). Spiritually, the assembly of the Eternal is compare to a virgin that give birth to the child

In the genealogy of Jesus, some people think Jechonias could not have descendants on his throne according to the Eternal's words in the old covenant (Jeremiah 22:24-30), so Jesus could not be a biological son of Jesus and he need a special birth. I would say that the malediction was for his timelife because Eternal can forgive children who comeback to him, some jews believe the maledictions was canceled (Aggai 2:23). We  must not forget that Jesus took the baptism and represented the Lamb who takes away the curses of the people, he remained the candidate for the throne by the mercy of the Eternal. Anyway, the Eternal did not say anything and change his mind when people return to Him with all their heart (Exodus 34:6-7).

Jesus nedd to be born in the house of Judah and it is not how he was born that makes him what he is, he became the messiah. Today, Jews are still waiting for a "messiah" without having genealogical traces of tribes, they can invent another messiah or maybe they will see Jesus who was pierced. In Matthew's genealogy, the four women mentioned have not always been rightful with the law and David his father killed the husband of a woman who became the mother of the King Solomon, it is not so clean (2 Samuel 12). I think we need to look at the messiah with the spirit of mercy, peace, ustice of the Eternal rather than to seek a purity of genes. Jesus is from the tribe of Juda.

Jesus is the spirit of the son that the Eternal want since the beginning of the creation, it is the spirit of the Eternal, fully. We do not need a carnal miraculous conception to realize that. The spirit of the Messiah and the spirit of Elijah are almost similar, I would say they have the same power for a long time (Luke 1:80 / Luke 2:40 / Matthew 14:2). John the Baptist is a mysterious son, it grows like a plant in the desert and we have no more informations about him than about Jesus before their appearance in the world. Elijah is essential but it must decrease before the greatness of the Messiah. If at that time, Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest prophets born of a woman, let's not believe that Jesus was not born of a woman, Jesus was really born from above, surpassing the prophets who just talked about him (Acts 3:24).



Important remark : Whether a virgin's birth understood (spiritually or allegorically,or literally...), this does not really bother me. My aim is to fight against the huge doctrines which have made the man Jesus someone else before his real existence in the first century.











Come down, go down, send from the heaven ?

Some Bible verses seem to teach us that Jesus was sent by Eternel into the world as if descending from heaven in the manner of Santa Claus or Superman, he is also not an embryo without sin who has nothing from us : Adam. We don't always understand the language of Yeshua (Jesus), exactly like some Pharisees. The doctrine that Jesus existed before his real birth in the first century cause a lot of divisions among the believers which argue about his identity during a lot of centuries. This idea on this pre-existence of the messiah is fuzzy in the old covenant and we will continue to demonstrate that Jesus is nobody else but a man existing in the first century, the Messiah and the son of the Most High (Matthew 16:16) in the new covenant. We will try to explain in this chapter the terms that give us the impression that he comes from elsewhere in the heaven : What does mean "come from heaven, send in the world, down from the heaven" ?


Let us begin with the verses that show clearly people could not always understand his teaching. Jesus often spoke in parables (Matthew 13:10-13 and 34).

Mathew 19:11  But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

Mathew 19:12  For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.


John 16:25  These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.


And let's profite of this gospel of John to explain those expressions that tend to make us believe that Jesus pre-existed in the heaven. We remember that the word "pre-existence" does not exist in the Bible, unlike the term "fore-knowledge" which is in relation with a project (1Peter 1:20; Jérémie 1:5). In John 6:51, Jesus teaches that he is the living bread which come down from heaven, let's realize that the disciples had understood he taught in parables in verse 60. If Jesus taught in parables, we have to think about the meaning of the symbols, do not interpret the words literally to avoid awkwardly understand of his words. We will give some examples, the words f Jesus are spirit and life (John 6:63) and it is inconceivable that Jesus teaches cannibalism:

John 6:53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.


The heavenly words of Jesus come from the Father of the creation, they vitalize much better than breads falling from the heaven to feed the stomach of Hebrews in the wilderness (Exodus 16: 4). Obviously, no one believed that the manna was existing in heaven, baked in an oven on little clouds. This is the same for Jesus, the spirit of the Eternal prepares (plan) and conceive for us, he materializes his thoughts in our world, his spirit gives life. Jesus is the new and true lump  from heaven, we need to inflate it with a good leaven (teaching of spirit) and eat (1 Corinthians 5:7-8).

Jesus the messiah is the new creation, he bring all things throught him in heritage (2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossiens 1:12-17).


Every gift of the Eternal comes from above and down in order to spiritualize the man on Earth, a not pre-existant body tranformed into flesh and blood is useless, there is no power, it doesn't exist. We will quote other examples to set out our arguments. In John 4:1, it is written that false prophets are "came out or came into the world" (believers often say "Jesus came into the world"), then, we can ask ourselves if these prophets were literally existing outside of our planet? Of course not, these false prophets had a father and a mother, they just came into the Jewish world in being declarating false prophets while Jesus is declared the Messiah. What can we think about the baptism which is supposed to come down from the heaven? Were the city of Jerusalem and John living in heaven before appearing?

We can read together the verses to answer to those questions:

1John 4:1  Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.


John 1:6  There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.


Matthew 21:25  The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we shall say, From heaven; he will say unto us, Why did ye not then believe him?


James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (Colossians 3:10)


John 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.


1 John 3:9  Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.


Galatians 4:26  But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.


Whenever we read that Jesus came into the world or that God sent his son, we do not have to think that a being existed in heaven came down on earth. Rather, it is better to understand that the spirit performs the will of the heaven, from the Eternal. Eternal sent and conceived the son by the spirit, Jesus is not pre-existing from the foundation of the world, he is certainly not the creator or co-creator of the universe. The messiah (anointed one) let the fullness of the Spirit of the Eternal to fill him in order to make the works and the will of his father (John 14:10; John 8:28). he did not need to come from space to realiz that. Eternal saves himself through his spirit, the messianic spirit, the spirit of God inside man. If Jesus was sent into the world, let's note that the disciples are also sent later (John 3:16).

If Jesus is born of God at a time of his life on Earth, we can too after being born of a woman like him (John 3: 1-16; 1John 1:5). Jesus is the divine hero anticipated by the grâce and will of the Eternel.

John 17:18 As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.


The Bible never speaks about the creation of Jesus in heaven or in Genesis. It is simple the idea to manifest the son, the messiah which live through the epoch (1Peter 1:11, Ephesians 4:13-15; Galates 3:24).

The heaven and the earth created in the first chapter contains what we need to know (Genesis 2:1), let's not imagine a Jesus with angels next a superior god to create, the scripture did not want to speak about that. Jesus is not created out of the time too, he existed for the first time in the fist century. John the Baptist and Jesus are two messengers in the world according to the prophecies of the Old Testament, were they both angelic creatures of heaven who were waiting the autorization of a god to descend on Earth? Was Jean-Baptiste speaking to Jesus in heaven? No. The two men normally "come in the flesh" and it is in this manner we need to understand the parabole in Matthew 21 (God sent the servants and the son) and the prophecy of Malachi:

Malachi 3: 1 Behold, I send my messenger (who will be John the Baptist) and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, and the Angel of the covenant (who will be Jesus) in whom you delight, Behold, he cometh, saith the Lord of hosts.


John and Jesus are only men, they were born of a woman (Job 25:4; Jeremiah 4:31), but simultaneously, Jesus had the grace to be the new spiritual seed on the way that John the Baptism was preparing. Jesus will become superior to the prophets as messiah by the grace of the Eternal. The glory of the only son was able to raise unto the Eternal in the high point (John 3: 3 and John 3: 12-13; Ephesians 2: 6). We do not approach the Eternal in raising litteraly higher and higher towards the stars, but going more and more close to the truth and divine love, climbing pick the fruits of heaven (Jacques 3:17). The words of the Eternel inside the messiah show us the way:

John 14:5  Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.













? A Jesus before Jesus

The Christian tradition wants the man Jesus pre-exists in heaven before his birth in the first century AD. As we have mentioned in previous chapters, many churches believe that the Messiah was God, God the son, a creature of the heaven who lived close to the Eternal. I can only advise you to read the work of Claude Tresmontant that I was delighted to discover at a time when the majority of believers were opposed to my reading of the Bible concerning this subject. This man wrote a translation of the four Gospels by demonstrating that the Greek text is inspired by Hebrew, but most importantly, he understood that the messiah has no pre-existence, he is a man. I invite you to provide yourself with a Bible for I did not copy the verses to save space.


Verses from the Old covenant :

Genesis 1:26:  The plural used does not refer to the dogma of the Trinity, it is written nowhere in Genesis that Jesus is a Creator or master builder (prime contractor) next to the Creator. For those who understand that Jesus is a man, he cannot exist before the creation of the human being. We must rely on what the text says, man is created in time, on the sixth day and not before. You can also read the chapter "One Eternal One" in the subject "Creations" on the home page. Yeshua is the image of the ideal man projected into God's plan in the harmony of his creation.

Genesis 3: 15 :  The prophecy is in the future, the woman's seed will be against the snake. By giving birth to her first son with a man, she conceived a child with the Eternal (Genesis 4:1).
The messiah will come from this seed, that of Adam.

Genesis 49:10 : The prophecy is again in the future and the Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah (not from elsewhere), he is not existing in the heaven.

Job 38: 7The sons of God or sons of Abraham are often compared to heavenly things, there are many metaphors in the Bible. The sons of Abraham are like the pre-known stars, Jesus is the morning star and the lamb chosen from the foundation of the world, Jacob-Israel is comparable to a star of heaven among the nations, the king of Tyre is like a cherub who turns away from the Eternal, like Adam in the midst of the precious stones in the garden of Eden. In any case, Jesus is a man and is certainly not literally an archangel of the universe who cries out for joy before he exists in the flesh on Earth. See also Genesis 37:9. Eternal is the God of the living, he calls families and things (Psalms 147:4; Isaiah 40:6; Ephesians 2:19; Ephesians 3:15) that do not exist as if they were (Matthew 22:32; Romans 4:17).

Psalm 132:11: The Messiah is the fruit of the womb of David. The promise is always for a future time.

Isaiah 6: 3: The Eternal is thrice holy and some hint at the Trinity (God the Father, God son, God the Holy Spirit). But in fact, the Hebrews reinforce his holiness or his presence (in the temple) by repetition (Jeremiah 7: 4). Eternal is one holy God for all times (Deuteronomy 4: 6).

Isaiah 7:14: The pregnant "young woman" is a prophecy that begins by applying to the time of King Ahaz and the King of Assyria. Prophecy therefore does not necessarily support the miraculous conception of a God or an angel, it speaks to us of a child or children (Isaiah 8:18) who come down from the house of David (Genesis 49:10) and who will have the divine spirit. Please refer to the table in Chapter 2 concerning "Miraculous Conception".

Isaiah 9: 6 : We read that Jesus is "mighty God", other translations say "valiant man" in the sense that Jesus is the mighty champion of God as the son of human God (Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34). He is "eternal father" because he brings the eternal life that the creator gave him, he distributes this grace to future generations. Abraham was "the father of a multitude of nations".

Isaiah 35: 4: We often understand that Eternal "comes "himself" to save us. This is true in the sense that there is only God who really saves by his spirit and power, he uses men like Moses or Jesus (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus needs the Eternal because he could not do the works without Him, he is not the Creator Father (John 14:10), nor an archangel with powers.

Jeremiah 31:22 : This seems symbolic, Israel is similar to a virgin woman in the previous verse. We know that the country was not virgin in reality since the people need to return often to the creator. "A new thing" doesn't necessarily mean that God will create something from nothing, let us take the example of Jacob and Israel who were created (Isaiah 43:1-7). It should also be noted that the verse is not quoted in the New Testament to support Jesus' miraculous conception. The new thing may evoke the new covenant and creation through Christ (resurrection), something the Hebrews did not know (Jeremiah 31:31; 2 Corinthians 5:17). If we refer to the miraculous birth, we can read Isaiah 43:19 and Revelation 12:1-5, the verse shows that the new thing was not existing before coming into Mary, since it is new.

Daniel 9 :13 The son of man (adam) who comes and does not have a name représents a future vision of the son of man (adam) Jésus in the Ist century. The domination is given to him.

Micah 5: 2: The verse tells us where the messiah was born and where he came from. "the origins" refers to the "origin" of the messiah, it does not mean that he has already existed for years in heaven "the days of eternity", but that he is expected "before the foundation of the world" (3 Peter 1:20). It is better to translate "the days of eternity" as "the day of old" as in Micah 7:14 and 20. Thus, its origin is in Adam's seed and all the promises made to the fathers (Genesis 3:15 or Genesis 49:10). Let us also read 2 Samuel 16:1, 2 Samuel 7:12-16, John 7:42...etc. The origin refers to the ancestral descent of the Messiah, the son of David who was the son of Jesse of Bethlehem. Let us simply read the genealogy of Matthew 1.

Proverbs 30: 4: We are not obliged to think that Jesus already exists in heaven, we are always with the intention of God to present the son to us, to see him immersed among man. What is the name of God? YHWH-Eternal (Exodus 3:14). What is his son's name? Israel from where Yeshua will come out (Exodus 4:22, Deuteronomy 14:1). David was the son of Elohim in his time (Psalm 89:27), father of Jésus. Eternal seeks to fully engender his son among man by bringing down his spirit on him.

Proverbs 8: 22-30: We have a personification of Wisdom and intelligence that must dwell in man, the chapter is poetic (Job 28:20; Psalm 49:3; Ecclesiastes 7:12; 1 John 1-3). In Hebrew thought, the spirit of the Eternal uses wisdom and intelligence for creation, Jesus is absolutely not living in heaven under the name "Wisdom". The entire chapter shows us that wisdom seeks to inhabit man.


Verse from the New Testament.

Matthew 1:23: My opinion about prophecy is given in the table in Chapter 2: "Emmanuel" does not mean "With Us (men) is God (Jesus)", but "With us (men and the Messiah) IS God (Eternal). How is he with us? By building a temple of human stones (1 Peter 2:5). Emmanuel is not the transformation of God or a god into a human being in the flesh.

Matthew 28:19: I think that the formula "in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit" is an invention to support the trinity (like 1jean 5:7). According to Eusebius, the old texts do not mention it. All the other verses of the Bible confirm that the disciples baptized in the name of Yeshua. It is still possible that the verse is correct without reference to the trinity (subject on baptism).

Mark 12: 35-37: Jesus is the son of David according to the flesh and the son of God by the spirit. Jesus says he is superior to David because he is the messiah, the master, the accomplished son. David saw him in spirit in the glory that was promised to him (a son on the throne) by prophecy, he was to be anointed above all at his baptism. By inheriting a name above any name, he realizes the words about him. Jesus possesses the keys to resurrection by the power of the spirit, declared the only son of God, although he is a descendant of David according to the flesh (Matthew 1:1; Luke 1:32, Matthew 9:27). Let us note that Matthew 23:43 writes: "Why David, in spirit...", which is in harmony with the explanation, the spirit explains future realities that will occur, the messiah is the head of creation.
Jesus was not in heaven looking at his own biological father!

Luke 2:46-47:  Let us not think that Jesus knew everything at the age of twelve because qu´il once lived in heaven next to the creator. Religious were struck by his questions because he had a very high level of understanding of the scriptures. However, it is not to be believed that he told the doctors of the law about his daily life and adventures in the univers before coming to Earth.

John 1:1 : John uses the Greek term "logos" which means "dabar" in Hebrew and "word" in English. Do not replace the "word" by "Jesus" or "son" to avoid falling into the trinity or doctrines of a god/archangel Jesus submitted to the creator (Jehovah's Witnesses...etc). The Israeli John does not explain that Jesus is God or a god, he uses precisely the term "logos".
In Hebrew thought, the messiah is not the creator of the universe or the master builder (prime contractor) next to the Eternal, but he is the head or principle (goal) of God's plan.

We can translate the verse as follows: "In the beginning was the word, the word was turned to God, and the word was God (divine, like God, divine essence, but not "a god").
Grammar allows to read "a god", but this is not in accordance with the author's thought, not at all. John wants to tell us that the word of God will unite with man (the flesh).

Why this translation? The Greek word "pros" is often translated as a preposition of direction, it is better to read "turned towards" rather than "with". Indeed, the purpose of God's word is to reach out to man and turn to God, so that the prophets partly reflect God's word  when it is expressed. The word was or was made or became flesh in verse 14, for the Holy Spirit completely animates the son, as if the father was making his temple there. In the ressurection, dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus was not already a pre-existing creature in an inhuman celestial body at the time of creation. Jesus will be called "Wonderful, mighty man, only son of God, the word of God (Revelation 19:13) by bringing forth the word of God that is in him in the first century. This is very important, the word of God is not directly Jesus, but he bears this word, his name, his creative function. In Genesis, it is the Eternal One who said and did everything himself through his word "the word of God", it was not a god with him.

John 1:18 : Some Bibles read "only god begotten" instead of "only son begotten". I think we should just read "son". Jesus is often "son of the Most High" in the texts (Psalms 2:7; John 3:16;18; 1John 4:9...). I believe that John summarizes his whole life in these words, he knows the story of this man (Acts 2:22-27). The man Yeshoua whom the Eternal loves is the only begotten son who is in the womb of the father, begotten in the resurection. Translating it as "god" or "valiant man" would also not be a problem according to Psalm 82:6; Isaiah 9:6. The important thing is that verse does not say that he existed as the God or archangel god before being begotten. Ieshua is conceived for the first time in the first century.

John 3:13 : After being born of the flesh, Yeshua tells us that we must be born of the spirit (John 3). The Eternal has sent his spirit from heaven to earth, much as a gardener sends water on the seeds on the ground. He who is born of the spirit or from above thus does the will of heaven, he keeps the word of the Eternal by the spirit (water). Whoever is born from above can then ascend to the source of his begetting (1 John 3:9, Luke 22:30, Ephesians 1:3, Revelation 4:4), like a heavenly tree that will grow and rise to heaven. In this way, Yeshua could talk to us about celestial things, his leaves blossom in the heights. Verse 14 makes a comparison with the serpent in the wilderness (Numbers 21:7-9): Jesus is the son of man who will rise to the Father. He did not already rise before being born of water and spirit, he just descended in the sense that he represents the descent of God's spirit, the desire to have a son is realized through him. Yeshua will then be able to say that he can go up and down continuously to distribute the bread of life to us and also send us into the world (John 17:18; John 20:22).

John 6:58-62: Jesus is symbolically the bread that nourishes the spirit of man rather than the stomach (John 6:31-32). The difference between the two loaves is not related to a pre-existence story.
Jesus speaks of the resurrection that will bring him up to where he should always have been in the eyes of the Hebrews as a lord or messiah: to the right (power) of the throne (glory) of the Eternal.
Jesus was not literally beside God in heaven, except in his plan. We have no indication of its real presence in the Old Testament, which is so important! We must understand:
"And if you see the son of man ascend where he was first / before" in the sense that he has always been in the plan of the Eternal, in his eyes, in spirit (v63). The prophets saw it this way.

John 8:24: Some think that Jesus said he was the Almighty God "I AM / I WILL BE" of Exodus 3:14, but he simply asked the Jews to listen to him and acknowledge that he is the voice of the Eternal, the messiah and savior, the son of the most high (Matthew 16:16). The conjugation "I am / ego eimi" can be translated as "it is me".  Jesus said "I am the savior of the scriptures".

John 8:58: It is better to translate: "before Abraham, it is me (ego eimi)". Abraham saw Christ in spirit in spirit in spirit, in visions, but also in prefiguration through the king and priest Melshisedech who offered him bread and wine. Melchisedek was not God or a creature of heaven, he is a man whose the genealogy is not revealed to us in the Bible for the purpose of making people who are not necessarily members of the Levite order under the covenant of Moses a priest. Abraham, Daniel, Daniel and other prophets were born of the Messiah in spirit because he is the principle of creation, he is first and foremost in the spiritual scheme of the Eternal, he is the man united to the creator in perfection. They looked at the promise from afar or indirectly (1Peter 1:10-11; Hebrews 11:13). Jesus Christ is the shilo (messiah) of the tribe of David, superior to Abraham: "It is I before (who precedes) Abraham" or "before John the Baptist" (John 1:30). He takes his place before them.

John 10:30:The disciples will also be out of the world (John 17:22). The spirit of the Eternal One in Yeshua is also in us, the man Jesus shows the invisible God without being God or an archangel (John 14:8).

John 16:30 : Does Jesus know all things ? No (Mark 13:32). He knows the whole truth about the scripture. Eternal tell him everything he needed to know, but he doesn't know the number of hair in our head.

John 17: 5: The translation I propose is often rejected by believers, but I still maintain that the verse does not speak of a pre-existence of Jesus. Claude Tresmontant's translation that I discovered some time later consolidated my thinking, Jesus would not be with God before the beginning of the world, but it would be his glory :

"and now (it is time) glorify thou me, O Father, with thyself, with the glory which I had before the world was with you."

The words "with you" have been moved at the end of sentence like in the Greek text. The Douay-Rheims Bible and Claude Tresmontant did the same:

"Now and Abba, glorify thou me with thine of the glory that I have before the world was with you." (Douay-Rheims Bible).

"And now you glorify me my father in your own eyes of the glory that was mine before it is the duration of this world in your eyes" Claude Tresmontant: Yehohanan Gospel (John)5.


Jesus wants the glory of the son of man be shared with his brothers (John 17:24; Roman 8:29). Note also that Jesus does not ask the glory he had before descending from heaven into the Virgin Mary, as if he was pre-existed in heaven. Jesus is begotten and sent into the world (1John 3: 9), he gets a place he had not before (Ephesians 1: 20-21, Philippians 2: 9, Hebrews 5: 8 and John 3:14).

Christ is the seed of Adam who lost his glory with the fall and Israel reject the messiah and crucify him. Jesus had to be lifted to heaven as Moses' snake in the desert ! he then asked:
"Father, glorify me with that glory which is from creation, above all things, that is, the love you have for the Son of Man (glorified on the clouds of heaven)".

John 17:24: The verse confirms that the love and the glory have been given to Jesus, he wants to share it with his brothers, the men (Ephesians 1: 4, 1 Peter 1:20). Eternel loves us in him since the beggining.

John 20:28: Thomas is surprised he exclaims miracle through a Hebrew expression. He recognize the Eternal (his God) who worked with the truly Messiah (lord). Simply.

1 Corintios 10:4 : Just as John the Baptist is the spiritual voice of the desert that prepares the way for the Father and the Son in the prophets, Jesus is the spiritual rock that makes the water of the Lord gush forth on this way to the desert (Nehemiah 9:15). This passage does not testify to a pre-existence in heaven with the Hebrews! Let us understand that the Lord wants to transform mankind throughout the ages by presenting the spirit of the messiah. We continually have prefigurations (the rock) and prototypes of Christ (Melshisedech) of the mystery of Christ (the figure of baptism with Noah, Moses, etc.).
The spirit of Christ acts in the prophets to make him appear in man (1Peter 1:11).

Ephesians 4: 8-10: The son of man from the tribe of David, born from above, is go down untill the death to raise his brothers. The verse does not talk about a transformation of a creature in the womb of a woman, it does not exist. Men (adam) does not ascend to the Eternal before eating the manna, the word of G.od, including the man Jesus who asked the eternal life.

Philippians 2: 5-10: The meaning of the text has been completely distorted by believers who have been teaching for centuries a Jesus creator of the universe transformed into man. The verse invite us to have exactly the same thoughts or feelings than Jesus during his ministry. Jesus is the same figure than us, this one of the man adam who had to take the way of the Messiah (Romans 5:14). It is written that Jesus is in "the form of God", the contrast is not to make a difference between a celestial form and a human form, but to explain that the son is in the likeness (external appearance) of God on earth (Acts 17: 28-29, John 10:34, Colossians 2: 9) did not try to make the same mistake that Adam, King of Tyre, or Herod, in trying to be equal with God. Even with all the revelation and fullness of the spirit, he humbled himself and took the "form of godliness" (2 Timothy 3: 5). Jesus did not seek fame and wealth of kings, the Messiah appeared as a simple man, he humbled himself as a servant by washing the feet of his disciples. Finally, people spits on him and hung him on a tree like an animal, the lamb. This passage invites us to possess the same spirit and has no relation with a heavenly nature which comes on Earth.


In verse 7, Jesus has not been emptied himself (make no reputation) to take a "human form" in flesh in contrast to a "form of God", he simply took a "form of a servant" while he is the king and the manifestation of the Father (form of God), the Messiah (John 8:29; Psalm 22; Luke 22:27). Let's add a little detail of translation, some Bibles says "being made as a man" instead of "becoming as a man".

Colossians 1: 13-17 : The Eternal is the only creator of Heaven and Earth (Isaiah 44:24), but believers imagine that Jesus and angels also created the universe in the first chapter of Genesis. This is not written, but the majority of believers use those verses of the Epistle to the Colossians to make the man Jesus the creator of all things. Paul was addressing to the Saints in Colosse, the heritage of the saints (verse 12) was the kingdom expected in the spiritual plan of the Eternal (Daniel 2:45; Matthew 11:27). Jesus will create the heavens and the earth (Isaiah 56:16; Hebrews 1:10) as his father. The goal is to bring all things created by the creator in his kingdom. It is in this sense that all things are made by the son at the beginning of the world (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15, Ephesians 1: 4). A reading problem arises because of our translation of the Greek word "dia διά" that could be translated "through (by love...)” within the context. Thus, it is through Christ that everything is done, as I explain in the chapter "spiritual plan" of the subject “Creations”. Everything is done through him.


Let us recall that Jesus became the Messiah (Anointed / Christ) during his life. The spirit of the Lord, the spirit of Christ (1Peter 1:11, 1 Corinthians 10:4), the antichrist spirit, the spirit of Elijah, the bad spirit, the holy spirit are not people, but they will take ownership to persons who are existing in the divine and prophetic eyes of the Eternal (roman 4:17).

Another preposition is translated by "by" in this text, it is "en" which can also mean "in". All created things find their meaning in Christ (Ephesians 5:13). Jesus is not the creator or co-creator of the ends of the earth (Isaiah 44-24) of Genesis. The man Jesus creates the perfection of existing systems of things for our development, the heavenly and earthly things (earthly bodies, spiritual bodies, terrestrial and celestial organization of the church, gifts ... etc) turn unto him since the beginning where they were created. He is the principle of creation, the goal, the origin of his work.
Be aware of the importance of the man in the eyes of the Creator? That is the real message of the Bible.


The verse 15 tells us that Jesus is the firstborn of all creation, he is the image of the invisible elohim (God). Again, the explanation has been diverted. The first-born or begotten of all creatures is Jesus. It is best translated as "creatures" (Darby) rather than "creations". "First born creatures or creations" has never wanted to say he is the first creature created in the heaven, it makes no sense and is not confirmed by the Book of Genesis. The first human is earthly: "adam". Then, we have the heavenly man begotten by the spirit (1Corinthians 15: 45-47) who will be above all creations.

1 Timothy 1:17 Eternal is immortal (Jacques 1:17) and he can’t die on a cross. Angels do not have to suffer either to save men with a magic blood. Eternal is wounded himself when we hurt our neighbour (Matthew 22: 37-40; Psalm 22:16-17; Zechariah 12:10; John 19:37). But he welcomed the manifestation of love to listen him (Galatians 6:18; Philippians 1:27; Hebrews 9:14, John 3:16).

1 Timothy 3:16 : "God manifest in the flesh" does not mean that God turned into man, but he is manifested through the man Yeshua. Other translations say "who that was manifest in the flesh”. Personally, I think the good translation is "god manifest in the flesh" (John 1: 1; 2 Corinthians 5:19, 1 Corinthians 6:19) because all the fullness of the divinity (the only Eternal) is in him.

Hebrew 1:1-14 :

- The verse 1 and 2 begins by telling us that Jesus did not speak to them before. Those who say that Jesus was already speaking as an angel or archangel not really many supports, Jesus is invisible and they give to him an other name to create him (Michael, God...). For example, it is not Jesus who was in the burning bush with Moses, but the "shakinah" (presence of the Eternal) which will be in the messiah too. Then, it is written that Jesus is the heir (with us Ephesians 1:11) and that everything was done "through / love / for" him.

Let’s note that the translation "the world or the universe" is not really correct because the greek word is actually in plural, it is better to read that the Eternal created "ages, centuries" for the humanity (Ephesians 2: 7) through Jesus-Christ rather than the universe and the stars! Just as Adam was creator on Earth, Yeshua the Messiah is also creator for centuries which has to come.

- The verse 3 tells us that Jesus is the footprint of the Eternal among men by / through his words (because the spirit is in him without measure).

- The verse 4 confirms that it is more important than a messenger (man, archangel...) although he is also a messenger with John the Baptist (Malachi 3: 1). The contexte seem to speak only of angel in heaven. He is the Christ, the ma, and the son of the living God (Matthew 16:16).

- The verse 5 refers to Acts 13: 30-33 for his resurrection and the verse 6 recall the Psalm 72:11; Psalm 97: 7. The term "firstborn" is related to verse 5 about the resurrection, Jesus receives the glory and honor by the Eternal, but he is not worshiped as the supreme God.

- The verse 8 does not say that Jesus is God, he just ascend on the throne (glory) of his father as the son born of the spirit (we can up on his glory throne too, God is spirit), this corresponds to a psalm about the spiritual elevation of the man for King David (Psalm 45: 6-7). The context proves that man in Jesus rises by sitting on the throne of God (1 Chronicles 28: 5; Apocalypse 3:21). The verse 9 does not necessarily call Jesus "god" but it did not bother us so much because the powerful men are called "god" or "son of the Most High": Psalms 82: 6. I tend to think would cause a repetition of the name of the Eternal God, example: "that's why the Eternal God, your God." The verse 10 and 11 want to explain the same thing, the sentences apply to the “son creator" of the new heavens and the new earth (Isaiah 65:17, Isaiah 51:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Apocalypse 21: 5). The Psalm 102 represents the servant who asks to inherit the characteristics of the Eternal in order to live in his presence. Eternal gives his glory to the son of man, he speaks and do through him (John 14: 6, John 5:23).

Hebrews 2: 6-9: The Chapter 2 is a very strong proof that Jesus is only conceived “Man”, he is linked to the previous chapter. Certain will think that Jesus is lowered below the angels as if he had lost a divine nature  (verse 9). With more attention, the verse 7 uses the same expression to speak of mankind, it is written that all men are made less than divinity. The answer is clear from reading Psalm 8: 4-8! It is better to read "made lower than the dieu/God". This psalm is unavoidable, it is impossible to think that the man (Jesus) was an angelic creature who becomes a terrestrial human in the real context. Jesus was in all points like his brothers, he was made like a man. In summary, Hebrews 1 and 2 emphasize that Yeshua is only a man, the beloved son is the most important, above all creatures.

Hebrews 2:17: The Eternal does not want that angels become priests. Jesus the messiah need to be exactly like his brothers: the human.

Hebrews 7: 3: The context of the Letter to the Hebrews speaks of sacrifices. The verse does not mean that Jesus has no father (Eternal, Joseph) or mother (Mary) but is priest after the order of Melchizedek. The King of Peace was the priest without being part of the tribe of the Levites!

Hebrews 13: 8 Jesus is the same yesterday (at birth in the first century), today, and forever. We can think that Jesus has always been a man in the eyes of the Eternal.

1 John 1-10: These verses testify in favor of my explanations of John 1: 1-2 and Genesis 1:1-2. It is important to distinguish between the man Jesus and the word of the Eternal. Both are the light of life because the word of Eternal appears through the messiah in the first century.

1 John 4: 9: "sent" does not necessarily mean that Jesus come down from heaven unto the Earth by changing his nature. See Chapter 3.

1 John 5: 7: Verse that is not found in some old manuscripts.

2 John 1: 7: The purpose of this verse has lost its meaning, "come in the flesh" doesn't mean that Jesus the Messiah is already the anointed one from the heaven (from God) that come in the flesh and bones

Apocalypse 3:14: The Greek word "ark" can be understood principle, Jesus is the foundation stone of the plan of the Eternal and of the coming kingdom.

Apocalypse 21: 6 and 22:13. Yeshoua summarizes the human history and that one of Israel, especially during his ministry. Alpha (A) and Omega (Z) denotes the whole work of the Eternal inside the man, from the earthly adam (Jesus is his descendent) until the accomplish man, incorruptible, spiritual. The son took the name and title of his father, but is not the creator of the universe.










 A precious blood and a body without blemish

Can the eternal God die nailed to wood? Has an archangel from heaven been crucified? Does man Jesus, son of the Most High, need to be pre-existent to take sins upon himself?

The Eternal is immortal, he cannot die on a cross. He "suffers" when we practice evil (1 Timothy 6:16; Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 25:40, Genesis 6:6), but we cannot kill him, he has not transformed himself into a man to physically die. As we have seen above, the beginning of John's gospel was very poorly understood.

The human is the most important creature, the one who pleases the creator is greater than all existing creators (
Genesis 1:25-29; Hebrews 1 and 2). God is spirit, he makes man a holy temple. Blood represents life (Leviticus 17:11), but it has no magical power of redemption, it is the spirit in which we live that gives value to our being, to our actions (Luke 1:35; Acts 10:38):
Romans 8:11  But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

Yeshua could not have had precious blood (1 Peter 1:19) without the spirit of the Father in him. We do not need God or a non-human angelic creature to atone for sins on wood.
The creator is not a god who wishes to quench his thirst for blood with the sacrifices of men or animals in the manner of certain peoples. From an ancient human practice, Eternal and Moses gave meaning to sacrifices, the beast that would die (which often served as a meal) represented for example the price to pay if we did wrong. The Eternal did not want human sacrifices.
Ieshoua brought an end to these sacrifices, he did not abolish the fact of presenting the offering to God, but gave God a perfect offering that surpasses all sacrificial rules.

Christ will fulfill the law of Moses by doing the will of the Eternal, he is able to give all his being for the ideas of the Eternal. This is the real sacrifice. By producing the will of the Creator, we become holy, like him. And holiness does not require us to constantly renew sacrifices for sins.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (
Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Matthew 22:37-39).
Hebrews 10:8  Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
Hebrews 10:9  Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
Hebrews 10:10  By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

The Hebrew word for sacrifice is "korban", it means "to approach, to bring". So we have to bring something to the creator in order to get closer to him, but what? Whoever feeds on the spirit of Christ is moving towards the true purpose of the sacrifices of the law of Moses. Jesus makes a covenant far superior to that of Moses by offering his soul to the Creator Father, his act is greater than the sacrifices of animals that were supposed to take away sins (2 Corinthians 3:6-8, Hebrews 3; Hebrews 10:3-4).

The Bible never teaches that we need a magical blood of animals, men, angels, God, to take away a sin or an original sin. Let us repeat: it is the spirit that invigorates and sanctifies our body, that gives power to our actions. Yeshua (Jesus) becomes a sacrifice for sin without having a perfect body or magic blood, he never had a pre-existing spiritual body: John 6:63.
The texts of the New Covenant define Jesus as "a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Peter 1:19), we must understand that he had no physical and mental defects at birth. He was the firstborn of Joseph and Mary, but that does not mean that he had a perfect or sinless body in the sense that he was not reached by death, like us.

What does a flawless body and blood mean?
In Moses' covenant, the flawless and spotless lamb was not a creature from elsewhere who possessed a flesh and chromosomes different from those of its progenitors.
Jesus was saved from evil thanks to the Lord, he did not practice sin, hence the words "did not know/committed sin" (2 Corinthians 5:21). But he had the inclination to good and evil within him, like Adam.

The flawless and spotless lamb is in a flesh like ours, with the difference that sin has not blossomed from the moment it can tell the difference between good and evil of divine law. The Son of God is therefore similar to us in every way and it is in this sense that we can understand that he was born 100% human according to the flesh (Romans 1:3).

1 Peter 1:19 and 2 Corinthians 5:21 do not teach us a story of original sin, do not imagine a Jesus who does not possess our flesh to avoid it (Deuteronomy 24:16). On the contrary, he had to have our flesh to defeat and crucify the old man, the one we all possess! It is in this sense that we must understand that Yeshua had flesh in the likeness of sin. He was exactly in our flesh, he was aging like everyone else, but he didn't have "sin" because he didn't commit it.
Romans 8:2  For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
Romomans 8:3  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
Romans 8:4  That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

In conclusion, the blood of Christ is precious because he is a holy person through his obedience to the father, the spirit of the Lord is in him. The blood of Yeshua does not need to be the fruit of a transformation into flesh of a pre-existing superior being, on the contrary! The anointed man Yeshua is made high priest by entering the most holy place and we must imitate him by doing the will of the Eternal. This man's spirit of truth is always present to regenerate us (1 John 2:1-3). Yeshua does not need to be God or an angel from heaven, it is the election of the firstborn and the sanctification of man that is a pleasant smell.

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1Manuscript of the dead sea scroll :"birth of Noah" and "Hénoch".

2Manuscript Syriac n° 14658 du British Muséum.

3 Old Syriac Synaiticus.

4" Gospel of Matthiew Shem Tov".

5"Evangile selon Iehohanan"  (the gospel of Iehohanan) by Claude Tresmontant, 1994.


also surnamed Yohanan

June, 2015